Took a snow day yesterday, when the snow was really coming down, because I was nervous about driving. Taking a snow day today because, well:

My way of coping with 27 inches (!!!) of snow: what better time to wear warm handknit socks from Mom?

(Rogue Roses (rav link) in STR some-colorway-or-other from last year's RSC. I just washed these for the first time and they're soooooo soft now! Thanks Mom!)
Wash's way of coping:

Snow plow just came through as I was typing this! Maybe I'll make it back out to civilization today after all! Anyone else getting buried in wintery goodness? Are you getting lots of knitting done in the meantime? I finished a few more Yucca chart reps, though the shawl still looks basically the same. I'll have to look for some new and creative ways of photographing it this weekend!
Those socks are so pretty! Our cat has been snuggling with us under the covers in the bed for the last few months, we've had snow since before Christmas. Last weekend it came about a meter, and today is the first day that it has started to melt some! But it's going to get cold again after the weekend, so I'm expecting some icey roads soon too :(
Can't wait to see more photos of the Aeolian, I just love that pattern!
I love those socks! I remember when that yarn came out I was kicking myself for not joining this year!
Also, your cat has such an amazing little face. He looks so happy!
Take care and keep warm!
Love that picture of the snow with the cardinal. We don't have red cardinals where I live (or snow for that matter) and I love seeing pictures of them.
Your socks are pretty, I like the yarn and pattern. Orange kitty looks content.
That little red bird is lovely. No more snow here but lots of rain. I love your socks.
oh! Your post is the inverse of mine - you're the one wearing handmade socks from your mom! I love that. that snowy branch photo with the red cardinal is absolutely gorgeous. snow outside, mugs of tea, handknit socks, and a kitty - sounds pretty great to me. :)
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