Oh my gosh, finally! Blame grad school for the long blog silence here at OCK. I've been writing Matlab code and studying op-amps (OH MY GOD OP AMPS) instead of photographing or writing about my projects. I have been knitting, though! In fact, I would say I've been knitting a LOT, but spread out between so many projects that it's hard to blog. No, the Viper Socks still aren't done. Stained glass scarf's not done. I lost the pattern for the Embossed Leaves socks.... But look over here!

Hello Aeolian shawl! This is my project for the Adventures in Lace KAL. I started on February 2 and am definitely not as far along as some KALers are with their projects, grumblemumblegripemoancomplain, but oh well. I finally got past the start-up chart this weekend and just finished the first rep of the Yucca chart. This is definitely a challenge for me - every row takes a lot of concentration and I messed up a lot in the beginning. And I'm experiencing what I guess a lot of first-time lace-weight lace knitters do...the terror of looking at this thing that's taking so much work and is looking more or less like purple ramen. How beautiful...?! I can't wait for the magic of blocking, although I don't know how I'm going to keep Wash away during that process. Hmm.

So I'm a little undecided about the beads. They're kind of fun to work with but they look a lot more BLUE in context than they did in the store. If I had a magic wand I would turn them all silver, but I don't exactly want to rip out what I have now...are they too much, colorwise? What do you think?
And here's a little meta-blogging for you. Behind the scenes at OCK: how I got decently-lit photos of a dark, scrunched-up shawl on a cloudy day:

He's so handy. Thanks dear =P Happy Valentine's Day!
While I had Jim enlisted as Chief Yarn Photographer this morning I dug out an older lace project, too.

This is
Wisp, in some kind of mohair thing I bought a few years ago in NYC. This is one of the hardest projects I've ever had to photograph - the fuzz is so dense that the only way to go was to hold it up to the window. Again, I think the finished object will benefit a lot from blocking - the sides are kind of wobbly right now. I don't know when I started this (apparently Ravelry doesn't automatically track when you posted a project), but I think it was sometime last summer, yikes! I'd like to finish this soon. The bright pink/wine color is such a nice break from winter greys.
In conclusion, yay for lace progress and finally blogging about it! Now if you'll excuse me, I have an exam to study for. Frequency behavior of folded cascode op-amps, here I come!