Sunday, January 24, 2010

launch viper one



viper no. 2

In future project news, did you know that Kate (other Kate) has started a lace knit-a-long? Lace, woohoo! (say in a Hiro Nakamura voice) We're starting on February 1, and I've decided on the Aeolian shawl and some lovely Habu superfine merino:


I'm excited! I've done a few lace projects before, but this is much more complicated. Nupps and beads and three million charts, oh my! If you are interested in making 2010 a lacey year you should join us too! Just head over to Lazy Kate Creates and drop her a line.

Friday, January 15, 2010

friday night dorkiness

I'm at work. It's 8:13 PM. It's Friday night. I'm banging my head against this project. My office is deserted.

It's quiet...TOO quiet.

I don't work well in this sort of quiet, so out come iTunes, Pandora, YouTube. I wanted to share this Yarn Harlot clip with you (embedding disabled, unfortunately). I processed a data set and made four graphs while listening to this! Clearly focus-enhancing material. If you haven't seen the YH speak before, it's...well, it's knitting stand-up comedy. "It's a niche market." Ha.

Want some more geekery? Here's one from the archives. I participated in a square swap for a while, and once I was paired with another physics student. This is what I came up with for her:

maxwell square

Maxwell's equations <3 <3 <3

I hope your evening is a little more fun and relaxing than mine. Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

what would starbuck knit?

You guys, this pattern is HARD.

Viper Pilots by Glenna C, in Dream in Color Starry.

I usually make one or two knitted Christmas presents a year and no more. This year I didn't even manage that. These socks were going to be my mom's Christmas present, but I started them about two weeks before Christmas. When am I going to learn that I can't finish a sock in a week?! Especially not when they have such heavy, TINY cabling. Those ribbed swirls on the sides are intense!

But check out those Vipers. Love it. I'll finish them someday. Meanwhile I got my mom and Cute Overload calendar instead.

In addition to my RSC membership, waiting for me under the Christmas tree was...

a bag of yarn! Yay! Misti Alpaca sock yarn. Punta Yarns Mericash. Rowan Alpaca Cotton. Love! I got some yarn store gift cards too. I'm too young to be worrying about SABLE, right? Right??

Wash had a good holiday too. Here he is with his favorite Christmas present...a handmade catnip toy from my Grandma.

Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year!

knits 2009

Happy new year! I'm sad that I didn't get to update this blog again in 2009, but pretty happy with my knitting progress this past year! I knit my first two successful sweaters - three if you count the Baby Surprise Jacket - and my first two toys, and learned a few new skills like broomstick lace and double knitting.

2010 should be a great knitting year because one of my Christmas presents was membership in the Rockin' Sock Club! I'm so excited and can't wait to get the first kit later this month!

Coming soon: the Christmas socks that weren't. Watch this space!