It is infinite and seemingly inexhaustible in its capacity to inspire, excite, and provoke create insight.'

Lydon sees the world that we have traditionally thought of as 'women's work' as a place to discover godliness through the act of creating domestic bliss. A blissful household is one where love can flourish.

Creating domestic bliss is especially useful for individuals living alone who are just learning to be self-loving. When we intentionally strive to make our homes places where we are ready to give and receive love, every object we place there enhances our well-being." - bell hooks, all about love

Some bits and pieces from my home that please and inspire me. Those bowls especially. They belonged to my great grandmother in Japan. My great aunt had basically a whole shed full of her old dishes and I chose these to bring back home. I feel lucky every time I use them.
I need to think about these nice happy things because a) I wanted to share that quote with you and b) what I have to show you next is pretty terrible. You see, I blocked my Hourglass sweater. I locked it away in the bathroom for the first day and a half (it took a long time to dry) because I have this kitten. And this kitten loves yarn. And once I woke up with this kitten sitting on my chest attacking one of the embroidered flowers on the bedspread and ripping the thread out with his teeth. Killer instinct and all that.
And then for some reason, when the sweater was almost completely dry, I felt like it would be okay to leave it out on the dining room table overnight.

And this kitten protected us from the mean vicious sweater by pulling a bunch of threads out. A few on the sleeve, some more on the body. OMG.
Let's never speak of this again. Focus on the bowls.
Oh nooooooooo....*thud* Bad Wash! Bad bad! Your beautiful sweater (that you did NOT try on for me when you were home, by the way). I'm sure you can fix it (she says as she makes a note to buy you a kitty tooth...I mean...nail file for Christmas).
You should have taken Indy. I'm sure he would never have done something like that. ::shifty eyes::
Oh no! That really sucks. But it's completely fixable... just rearrange the thread into the stitches and you should be able to get it back to what it looked like.
I love those bowls, btw. So pretty!
I think you can fix it, just keep focusing on the gorgeous bowls!
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