Saturday, February 19, 2011


I started Jim's red scarf. I started it about ten times... I tried the red herring scarf but it really bothered me. Then tried Henry and that wasn't working either... then I got a clue that I just wasn't liking anything non-reversible for this project. So.

K1, P1, lather rinse repeat.

Slipping the first stitch of every row to create a nice edge. I'm a little touchy about edges.

My current small-project bag, courtesy of my mom. Owls! The scarf just barely fits in there now, I think it's a little better suited to socks and the like. Luckily the scarf should be finished soon.

So socks. I'm doing the Rockin' Sock Club again this year, and the first shipment came, reminding me that I knit a grand total of one (1) RSC sock last year. Not one pair. One sock. I did the first Cascadia and got so frustrated with the heel that it took me 6 months to finish the first and then another 6 months to cast on the second. Of course all that time I told myself not to start any other socks as Cascadia wasn't done.


So here we go: Cascadia #2. What you see is what I did in...2 weeks? I think that's right. I'm a little worried about having enough yarn to finish, though I suppose now that I'm out of the heel there's really not that much left.

I have this vague idea that I might try to both keep up with this year's club patterns AND knock out the corresponding patterns from last year. 12 pairs of socks in 2011?

The latest acquisitions...

From left to right: STR Pinky Swear, STR Aubergenius, and the Araucania Ranco Multy that I won from Kate! Yay! It got here last weekend but I only got to take a picture today.

Anyone else on Pinterest? Wanna be pinning friends? Holla at your boy, I mean girl...(say in a Tim Gunn voice)


Lindsey said...

That's a beautiful red! I'm also on pinterest :)

Linda said...

Lovely knits and your edging on the scarf looks perfect!

Lina said...

Gotta love a simple rib scarf! :)

And I love your socks, even if they were a pain for you to finish. STR club is so awesome, but I've never done it... maybe next year. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

that's love, doing a long k1p1 scarf. man. even in red, with lovely slipped edges, that's a slog. kinda like the black socks my son wanted me to make him. love. l.o.v.e.