Sunday, April 25, 2010

viper malfuction

sneak sneak sneak...

sneak sneak


Look, half a second Viper sock! Progress! So what's the malfunction? Well, let's take a closer look at the heel:

viper heel detail

I'm doing SOMETHING wrong here, although I've made both heels match, so whatever I'm doing is right enough for this particular pair. See, you continue the swirled cables down the sides, but work ribbing and a central cable down the rest. The chart for the central cable is four rows long, with the cable on row 1. But you start the heel flap on row 4, and the pattern marks this as a right-side row, which makes row 1 a wrong side row, but you can't work the cable on a WS row! Huh?! So, I ended up just making stuff up and pretending that the chart was only intended for the right side, so doing RS (chart row 4), plain WS row, RS (chart row 1), WS, RS (chart row 2), etc. This means my central cable repeats every eight rows, which I'm pretty sure is wrong, from looking at other people's projects. I also had some RS/WS weirdness which resulted in the first heel-flap swirled cable crossing occurring a row too late. But, hey, I bet nobody would have noticed it if I hadn't written a big huge blog post about it.

Knitting content accomplished! Yay! Now it's time to make dinner - we're trying cornmeal-crusted tilapia with kale and rice. Yum!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I can has pony?

Wash and pony 1

Fig. 1: Wash and his pony.

I promise to write some knitting content this weekend, but OMG PONIES.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

happy spring.

I finished reading Thich Nhat Hahn's The Heart Of The Buddha's Teaching this weekend. According to my journal, the last time I finished a book was back in January. Knitting feels the same way lately.

I'm here. Just slow.