Broomstick lace. I used this tutorial from stitchdiva.com. Very helpful. I was possessed to make this scarf when my local knitting store sent out a newsletter advertising their broomstick lace class - say what now? A yarn technique I've never heard of?! MUST HAVE NOW NOW NOW
Broomstick lace is AKA "jiffy lace", and yeah, the large loops add length fast, but I'm a very slow crocheter, so maybe not so fast for me. That's okay. The yarn is Colinette JitterBug, a skein I picked up on a whim (i.e. a sale) and I'm glad to have found a wearable one-skein project for it.
This blog is named for my cat, Wash, who currently graces the top banner. Wash loves yarn. Here's some of his handiwork:

I did the beginning of a sock that you can see in the corner. Wash did the rest. Including the kitty teeth marks on the needles. It's a collaborative art piece. I call it "Why I Hide My Yarn In My Dresser At Night".
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